Overlooked Details When Selling a House
When it comes to selling a house, getting to closing day is like getting to the finish line of a full marathon. FINALLY! You are exhausted, but feeling accomplished because of all the hard work you put in for months prior. There are plenty of BIG decisions and steps that need to be taken, but it’s the little things that often get missed. Here are a few commonly missed details when moving out of your house.
1. Switch your utilities. While this won’t get missed for long, its important to remember that you need to initiate the process of switching some utilities about 10 days before closing. If you don’t, you could potentially be without a critical service at your new house, or continue to pay for services you aren’t using at your old house.
2. Don’t leave anything behind. I’m sure the house will LOOK empty on your exit, but it’s not always the case. Don’t forget to check the fridge and freezer to ensure all food is gone, and be sure to check behind the doors in each room. Its very common for nightgowns and jackets to still be hanging behind the door since we’re not accustomed to closing the interior doors of our house when we’re moving.
3. Make sure you’ve got the right permits for your moving vehicles. If you live on a busy road with lots of street parking, you might need to check with the city to block off a few parking spaces to ensure your moving truck can park as close to your house as possible. Also, if you’re renting a POD, check with your local municipality to see if you need to apply for any special permits. Some cities or HOAs require permits for speciality moving or storage containers, even if they’re temporary.
The big stuff is easy, the devil’s in the details. It’s still a great time to sell. Shoot me a message and let’s chat about your home and how much it’s worth!